Blooming Group presents its first Sustainability Report

World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity for Blooming Group Spa to present its first Sustainability Report.

The philosophy advocated by the founders, Davide Canavesio, Barbara Graffino, Maurizio Cimmino, is strongly oriented towards ESG values – Environment, Social, Governance, and has led to the presentation of the first Sustainability Report coinciding with the inauguration of the new headquarters in via Varallo in Turin.

“We are proud of our economic results, but we are equally proud of our commitment to the environment and communities,” affirm the three founders of the group, supported in their endeavors by the most important entrepreneurs in the area. “We have committed to managing our companies and employees by prioritizing environmental and social sustainability at the top of our agenda. Now we want to contribute to the territory to always build skills in the organized retail sector: hence our commitment to create a competence center for retail in Turin.”

Blooming Group is committed in its daily actions to respect and implement the SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals, set by the United Nations in 2015. It has also established an ESG Committee and launched a series of initiatives to reduce environmental impact and support the communities in which it operates.

Special attention is given to human resources management policies: over 500 employees, of which 63% are women. Special care is dedicated to the integration of personnel from over 30 different nationalities, with a total of 55% Italians and 45% foreigners. The Group also guarantees the absence of discrimination in the selection, hiring, training, management, development, and remuneration of personnel, as provided for in the company’s Code of Ethics.

From an environmental perspective, Blooming Group’s main objectives include reducing carbon emissions to zero and implementing an environmental monitoring project with Enerbrain. Finally, it is committed to using energy exclusively from renewable sources, in order to fully cover its energy needs starting from the second half of 2023.

Regarding its commitment to communities, there are numerous initiatives in the field, including collaboration with Parini elementary school in Turin for the provision of interactive multimedia whiteboards for a quality and inclusive school. To make a concrete contribution to reducing inequalities, Blooming Group has also activated a direct channel with the CEPIM-TORINO Association (Center for People with Down Syndrome ODV) with the aim of full and effective participation of disabled people in society, aimed at improving quality of life. Furthermore, Blooming Group collaborates with the Molinette Research Foundation for the “One Mustache for Research” project for the prevention of male cancers.

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