On the grill since 1954
Alla griglia dal 1954
Sometimes, two men and an idea are enough to change the world. We have evidence.
It’s the 4th December 1954, when in Miami James McLamore and David Edgerton opened their first BURGER KING®.
Only three years later, the WHOPPER® was born, the most famous burger from the chain. After the first restaurant in Miami, in 1963 BURGER KING® opened outside the United States, in Puerto Rico. But the journey goes on, reaching Canada six years later and, finally, Europe: Madrid in 1975 and Milan in 1999.

BKNO becomes a Burger King Franchisee in 2017, with the opening of the first Burger King Restaurant inside “I Viali” mall (Nichelino,TO).
In 2018 opens three new restaurants: two in Turin (C.so Novara, Aldo Moro), one in Genova.
Its expansion continues in 2019 with the opening of four new restaurants: Cavaria con Premezzo, Pinerolo, Panorama mall, Area 12 mall. In December, 2021 it opens a new restaurant inside the famous Lingotto mall, reaching its maximum expansion in 2022.
In January 2022, it became part of the Blooming group, and in July 2022, it acquired the Arilica group with 9 Burger King branded restaurants. BKNO thus becomes one of the largest franchisees in Italy with 18 Burger King branded restaurants.